Following the untimely demise of Tanzanian President, His Excellency, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, Football Kenya Federation, in consultation with the Tanzanian Football Federation has made a decision to cancel today’s international friendly match between the National Team Harambee Stars and the Tanzanian National Football Team, which was scheduled to take place at the Nyayo National Stadium, beginning 3 pm.

The decision has been arrived at to allow the Tanzanian National Team and the Tanzanian General Public to mourn the sudden passing on of the late President, His Excellency, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli.

Football Kenya Federation wishes to extend its deepest sympathy and message of goodwill to the Tanzanian Football Federation, the family, and friends of the late President, and the good people of Tanzania. May the Lord bless you with the strength to sail through this tough situation.

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