FKF Integrity Officer Mike Kamure, on Thursday, July 15, 2021, took participants of the Ongoing CAF C License coaching course through lessons on the Integrity of football.

The coaching course is in its second week at the Kenya Institute of Special Education.

Participants were briefed on what match-fixing really means, why they need to protect integrity in football and how they can recognize, resist and report suspicious incidences.

CAF C Coaching Course

The coaches were also taken through the Reporting Mechanisms: The FIFA Portal, the FKF Integrity Portal, and the FKF Integrity Hotline NumberĀ  +254 790 115 228.

Football Kenya Federation has previously held sessions with FKF Premier League Club Chairmen and CEOs and has lined up more sessions with Lower tier club officials, players, and match officials.

Also read: FKF launches Integrity action plan with workshop for FKF PL chairmen