Nakuru County is up and running. The County’s Youth Leagues, under-13 and under-15, kicked off today at Kihoto grounds in Naivasha.

Nakuru is the second region in the country to begin its youth leagues.

The FKF Youth Committee chairman Chris Amimo said the Federation was committed to identifying football talent at a young age.

“Youth development is crucial for the future of Kenyan football. The idea is to identify talent at a young, teachable age. If players start developing at the u13 or 15 levels this player has a better chance of developing into an elite player” said Amimo.

He said the Federation was committed to rolling out the program across Kenya.

“We began in Nairobi last month, today we are in Nakuru and probably head to Mombasa in the coming days.”

He said the federation will eventually form an all-stars team comprising the under-13s and under-15s in every county.

The Federation will also train coaches to help equip them with the skills required for handling the young talent.

On his part, Francis Oliele, FKF Nakuru county chairman said he was happy to host the program.

“I am happy for the youth of Nakuru who now have this platform to showcase what they can do, this is the way to go, this is how we change the future of Kenyan football. ”

In the two games played today a talented under-13 team from the sprawling Karagita made light work of the opponents, winning 2-0.

In the second match, Gold Stone (Mai Mahiu) dispatched New Hope FC 4-0 with speedy winger Ryan Nyamora bagging a hat-trick.