The National Executive Committee of the Football Kenya Federation met today and unanimously passed several important resolutions that will shape Kenyan football in 2024.

Key among the resolutions was the approval of the calendar for all national teams, spanning the senior Harambee Stars, junior sides, and women’s teams. This comprehensive calendar will allow for better planning and preparation for key competitions.

The NEC also approved FKF’s competitions calendar for 2024, covering all of the Federation’s leagues and competitions, which will provide clarity for clubs and allow them to plan their seasons effectively.

Members also discussed and adopted the FKF’s budget for 2024. The budget will allocate resources towards fulfilling FKF’s core objectives of developing football infrastructure, grassroots programs, elite player development, refereeing, and competitions.

Most importantly, the NEC kick-started the process of the FKF elections 2024, scheduled to be held later in the year, by resolving that the said elections will be conducted using the FKF Electoral Code (2020) which was used in the last FKF elections. This provides consistency and transparency in the electoral process.

The NEC also resolved that the Annual General Meeting, which will ratify the FKF Electoral Board and Electoral Code (2020), be held on March 16, 2024, in Nairobi.

The Federation is committed to prudent governance and the growth of football in Kenya. These resolutions will enable a more productive 2024 for all stakeholders.