Isinya Boys High School has been designated as the Kajiado County FKF center of excellence on Tuesday, March 19, 2023. This is in a bid to facilitate the growth of talents from their formative years.
As a center of excellence, the school will receive technical expertise, capacity building for coaches, and equipment solidarity to enhance talent development from FKF.
Being a center of excellence will also ensure that the school attract prospects from all over Kajiado county.
Led by School Principal Stephen Oseur Lekasi, the school runs a special program that not only emphasizes on academic excellence but also supports the flourishing of students’ talents.
Currently, 55 students benefit from a scholarship program supported by the county government, County Development Funds, and the school board of management. These scholarships are provided through bursaries and grants, ensuring that talented students have access to quality education and resources.
“The program has just started, our aim is to develop players’ talents with the vision of getting them to play in both local leagues and abroad,” said Stephen Oseur Lekasi.
Speaking on the school’s partnership with FKF Lekasi added, “Football Kenya Federation (FKF) is coming in to provide a platform to develop these talents.”
FKF has committed to giving teachers priority in selection for coaching license courses and current school team coach, Willis Wakar will be no exception. He holds a CAF D license and will be prioritized for the upcoming CAF C class in Kajiado.
The school also benefited from equipment to aide with their training programs and matches.
The center of excellence program will be instituted in other schools around the country.
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